Appassionata di fotografia fin dai tempi del liceo, dopo un percorso da autodidatta e alcune esperienze come assistente, intraprendo la carriera da fotografa freelance nel 2014.
La curiosità, la ricerca del bello in tutte le sue forme e i molteplici interessi, mi portano a esplorare e sperimentare i più svariati ambiti della fotografia. Ritratto, reportage, interni, moda, still-life, eventi, arte… non mi precludo alcuna strada e ben presto il mio portfolio cresce e si diversifica.
Essere riuscita a fare di una delle mie più grandi passioni una professione mi stimola e mi permette di affrontare ogni nuovo lavoro con la massima positività.

Photography has been my passion since high school; after various experiences as an assistant photographer and being mostly self-taught, I launched my career as a freelance photographer in 2014.
Curiosity, the search of beauty in all its forms and numerous interests, leads me to explore and experience the most varied fields of photography. It has led me to wide-ranging projects including portrait, reportage, interiors, fashion, still-life, events, art… I do not preclude myself from any scope and my portfolio has grown and diversified.
Being able to turn one of my greatest passions into a profession stimulates me and allows me to face every new job with energy, enthusiasm and positivity.
